Source code for app.simulation.fem_mechanics

Copyright (C) 2015 Jeison Pacateque, Santiago Puerto, Wilmar Fernandez

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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import numpy as np
from .physical_model import PhysicalModel
import time
import os
import scipy

[docs]class FEMMechanics(PhysicalModel): def __init__(self, matrix_materials): """This class supports the Mechanic FEM Simulation matrix_materials = initial matrix materials (numpy objetc array, array of class Material) """ super(FEMMechanics, self).__init__(matrix_materials) self.force = 0 # applied force over asphalt mixture self._createStiffnessMatrix() self._createConectivityMatrix() self._generalStiffnessMatrixAssemble()
[docs] def _createStiffnessMatrix(self): r"""This function uses the LinearBarElementStiffness to create the stiffness matrix (ki) for each Finite Element to create regarding the matrix materials (MM) it also configures each FE element with their Young's Modulus and their transversal area """ = np.empty(self.MM.size, dtype=object) cont = 0 for i in range(self.MM.shape[0]): for j in range(self.MM.shape[1]):[cont] = self._LinearBarElementStiffness( self.MM[i,j].young_modulus,\ self.MM[i,j].areaFE, self.MM[i,j].lengthFE) cont += 1
[docs] def _createConectivityMatrix(self): r"""This function initialices the conectivity_matrix object using the matrix materials (MM) size for reference, additionally, this method declares the lists where the top and bottom nodes will be """ self.elements_nodes = [] # Tupla de nodos de cada elemento self.elements_top = [] # Indice Elemento superior self.elements_bottom = [] #Indice Elemento inferior #La matriz de conectividad se debe cargar invertida self.conectivity_matrix = self._ElementConectivityMatrix(self.MM.shape[1], self.MM.shape[0])
[docs] def _LinearBarElementForces(self, k, u): r"""This function returns the element nodalforce vector given the element stiffness matrix k and the element nodal displacement vector u.""" return, u)
[docs] def _LinearBarElementStresses(self, k, u, A): r"""This function returns the element nodal stress vector given the element stiffness matrix k, the element nodal displacement vector u, and the cross-sectional area A.""" return, u/A)
[docs] def _LinearBarElementStiffness(self, E, A, L): r""" This function returns the Finite Element stiffness considering the material Young's modulus (E), the transversal area of the FE (A) and the length of the FE (L) :Definition: .. math:: k= \begin{bmatrix} \frac{EA}{L} & -\frac{EA}{L} \\ -\frac{EA}{L} & \frac{EA}{L} \end{bmatrix} """ return np.array([[E*(A/L), -E*(A/L)], [-E*(A/L), E*(A/L)]])
[docs] def _generalStiffnessMatrixAssemble(self): r"""Assembles the General Stiffness Matrix (K) using the size of the matrix materials (MM) as reference. It also uses the conectivity matrix (conectivity_matrix) to asseble the FE for every material on the matrix materials (MM) by using the function _LinearBarAssemble order to locate all the FE in place for simulation """ ksize = self.MM.shape[1]*(self.MM.shape[0]+1) self.K = np.zeros((ksize, ksize)) cont = 0 for (x, y) in self.conectivity_matrix: self.K = self._LinearBarAssemble(self.K,[cont], x, y) cont += 1
[docs] def _LinearBarAssemble(self, K, k, i, j): r"""This function assembles the element stiffness matrix k of the linear bar with nodes i and j into the global stiffness matrix K.This function returns the global stiffness matrix K after the element stiffness matrix k is assembled.""" K[i][i] = K[i][i] + k[0][0] K[i][j] = K[i][j] + k[0][1] K[j][i] = K[j][i] + k[1][0] K[j][j] = K[j][j] + k[1][1] return K
[docs] def _ElementConectivityMatrix(self, width, height): r"""This function create the nodes and set positions for all elements on a stiffness matrix. It also it also aggregate the top and bottom elements to their own list declared at the function _CreateConectivityMatrix """ a = 0 b = 1 for i in range(width): self.elements_top.append(a) for j in range(height): self.elements_nodes.append((a, b)) a=a+1 b=b+1 self.elements_bottom.append(b-1) a=a+1 b=b+1 return self.elements_nodes
[docs] def applySimulationConditions(self, force): r""" Set the force parameter to apply over the top elements of the FE General Stiffness Matrix (K) """ self.force = force
[docs] def simulate(self): r""" Run the simulation with all the configured parameters, the output will be a displacements map handled by the results module. Once the global stiffness matrix K is obtained we have the following structure equation: :Definition: .. math:: \left[K\right]\left\{U\right\}=\left\{F\right\} where U is the global nodal displacement vector and F is the global nodal force vector.At this step the boundary conditions are applied manually to the vectors U and F. Then the matrix is solved by partitioning and Gaussian elimination. Finally once the unknown displacements and reactions are found, the element forces are obtained for each element as follows: .. math:: \left [ f \right ] = \left [ k \right ] \left \{ u \right \} where f is the 2x1 element force vector and u is the 2x1 element displacement vector. The element stresses are obtained by dividing the element forces by the crosssectional area A. """ start_time = time.time() # Measures file loading time print("Applied force:", self.force) mask = np.ones(self.K.shape[0], dtype=bool) mask[self.elements_bottom] = False k_sub = self.K[mask] k_sub = k_sub[:, mask] #Apply forces over model------------------------------------ forces = self.force * np.ones(k_sub.shape[0]) #calculate displacements------------------------------------------- U = np.linalg.solve(k_sub, forces) #Calculate the stress in each element stresses = np.zeros(U.size) cont = 0 for ux in np.nditer(U): sigma = self._LinearBarElementStresses([cont], ux, 1) stresses[cont] = sigma[0][0] cont += 1 # U = U.reshape(self.MM.shape) # reshape the displacements matrix U #copy the displacements field into the matrix materials # for i in xrange(self.MM.shape[0]): # for j in xrange(self.MM.shape[1]): # self.MM[i,j].displacement = U[i,j] stresses = stresses.reshape(self.MM.shape) #copy the stresses field into the matrix materials for i in range(self.MM.shape[0]): for j in range(self.MM.shape[1]): self.MM[i,j].stress = stresses[i, j] end_time = time.time() # Get the time when method ends print("Mechanical simulation done in ", str(end_time - start_time), " seconds.") return self.MM